Uganda’s updated Nationally Determined Contribution.

Submitted by on Tue, 06/20/2023 - 23:01

Climate change is one of the biggest global focus areas at the moment and Uganda has jumped onto the wagon too to mitigate the effects. In fulfilment of the Paris Agreement (signed in October 2015), Uganda has launched its updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) with our priority response being adaptation and increasing resilience in communities and ecosystems. The new adaptation component covers 13 sectors. The key adaptation sectors include agriculture, water, forestry and ecosystem. Other significant sectors are transport, energy, mining, cities and built environment.

The implementation is being undertaken with a whole-of-society approach with unconditional actions; to be undertaken by GoU with domestic funding worth USD 4.1Bn; and conditional actions to be undertaken by external funding of USD 24Bn. Unconditional and conditional actions constitute 5.9% and 18.8% respectively of Uganda’s target reduction of 24.7% in economy-wide mitigation of climate change.

In the updated NDC, the methodological approaches for estimating and accounting for Green House Gas (GHG) have been improved. Furthermore, the NDC defines the sectoral mitigation and adaptation measures for 2025 and 2030. The full report on the updated NDC can be accessed using the link below: Final.pdf