Nutrition Annual Performance Report FY2022/23

Submitted by on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 19:28

This Report presents the performance of key nutrition indicators stated in the Ministry of Health’s Nutrition M&E framework. According to the Report, a total of 4,153,686 (50%) of the 8,305,905 children under five years seen at the Outpatient Department in 2022/23 received nutrition assessment, a decrease from 64% in 2021/22. Overall, 81% of the children under five years identified with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) were enrolled into Outpatient care (OTC). Of these, 29% were enrolled into In-patient Therapeutic Care (ITC). The highest proportion of SAM cases under five years enrolled into care were reported from Ankole, Karamoja, Tooro, and West Nile regions. Of the children under five years identified with Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) 65% were admitted into the Supplementary Feeding Care (SFC) program. The highest SFC admissions were reported in the Karamoja, Acholi, Ankole, West Nile, and parts Kigezi regions which have partner support to run SFC programs.

Ministry of Health, November 2023 -