March 2023


Submitted by on Sat, 03/04/2023 - 17:39
FY2022/23 Series

The MIND is a monthly publication. It contains Indicators updated on Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly frequencies. Consequently, it is prepared with a lag of one month, owing to the need to compile data that has been officially released following the end of the preceding month. The same principle applies to the Quarterly and Yearly data.  

Download the PDF Version below:

MIND - March 2023.pdf

Africa Industrialization Index 2022

Submitted by on Fri, 03/03/2023 - 05:22

Industrialization is fundamental to Africa’s development. According to the Africa Industrialization Index 2022 report, Africa’s rapid growing internal markets and large labour force are an impetus for industrial development. However, industrial development has grown at a slow pace. The Africa Industrialization Index (AII) is a flagship initiative by the African Development Bank (AfDB) aimed at strengthening data on Africa’s industrial development.

Uganda Manufacturers’ perception regarding product standards enforcement by UNBS

Submitted by on Fri, 03/03/2023 - 05:20

Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) developed processes for operations, assessment and enforcement of standards to improve product quality. Uganda has 3,600 compulsory and voluntary standards that are prone to updating or withdrawal when new product developments arise. UNBS currently enforces three standards namely: National (Uganda Standards [US]); Regional (harmonized EAC standards [EAS]); and International Standards [ISO]).

Which products should Uganda leverage for export diversification?

Submitted by on Fri, 03/03/2023 - 05:18

This brief underscores the need to support export diversification in order to reduce Uganda’s trade deficit, address distortions in trade attributed to COVID-19 pandemic and other shocks such as climate change and geopolitical related issues, and to sustain economic growth and development. The brief indicates that light manufacturing and agricultural sectors have a high potential for export diversification, relative to other sectors. Additionally, Uganda’s potential export markets have been identified as Africa, Europe and Asia.

Water safety management in small towns: Lessons learned from Uganda and Mozambique

Submitted by on Fri, 03/03/2023 - 04:05

This brief focuses on understanding the implementation of water safety management strategies; studying the effects of change in operational strategies; and challenges of implementing usage practices from an urban to semi-urban setting in a small town. In Uganda’s scenario, the key findings of the study included the importance of sustaining risk management strategies, detection of fecal matter in water distribution, and deterioration of water quality upon storage in households.

Uganda’s water resource profile

Submitted by on Fri, 03/03/2023 - 04:00

Uganda is rich in water resources and it generally has moderate water stress, except for the arid areas. However, urbanization and agricultural expansion has led to increased wetland degradation. As a result, flooding is a common occurrence due to climate change and the country stands a risk of El-Nino events.

Launch of the Local Climate Adaptive Living (LoCAL) Facility

Submitted by on Fri, 03/03/2023 - 03:40

In May 2022, the Local Climate Adaptive Living Local Facility was launched in Uganda. Four districts were piloted namely, Kasese, Nwoya, Nebbi and Zombo. The facility is currently being implemented in 32 countries across Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and the Pacific. The facility is aimed at integrating climate change adaptation in development plans and budgets at Local Government level and channeling of increased climate financing for climate smart investments.

To access the detailed report on the Local Facility, follow the link: