May 2022


Submitted by on Mon, 05/30/2022 - 23:52
FY2021/22 Series

The MIND is a monthly publication. It contains Indicators updated on Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly frequencies. Consequently, it is prepared with a lag of one month, owing to the need to compile data that has been officially released following the end of the preceding month. The same principle applies to the Quarterly and Yearly data.  

MIND May 2022.jpg

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World Health Statistics Report 2021

Submitted by on Wed, 05/25/2022 - 11:21

The World Health Statistics Report 2021, published by World Health Organization, sheds light on the human toll and impact of COVID-19, highlighting the importance of tracking inequalities and the urgency to accelerate progress to get back on track and recover equitably with the support of robust data and health information systems.

The Report indicates that persisting inequalities continue to impact population health and therefore recommends the need to focus on the equitable distribution and access of quality healthcare services across the globe. 

Accelerating Africa’s Trade – Trade Mark East Africa

Submitted by on Thu, 05/05/2022 - 16:40

For the last two financial years, global focus has been on COVID-19 and how to contain the spread of the rapidly mutating disease. Numerous natural, economic and intellectual resources have been spent to contain the spread and enable economic recovery.

This annual report focuses mainly on; Climate Change, Physical Infrastructure, Enhanced Trade Environment, and Improved Business Competitiveness. Specifically, for Uganda, it analyses positions for economic growth despite COVID-19 challenges.

The 2021 Road User Satisfaction Survey Report

Submitted by on Thu, 05/05/2022 - 16:38

The Uganda Road Fund conducts annual Road User Satisfaction Surveys. Through these surveys, road users provide feedback on the quality of road services in the country. The 2021 Road User Satisfaction Survey draws from sample size of 2797 respondents across seven categories of road users i.e. pedestrians, passengers, cyclists, motorcyclists, motorcar drivers, taxi/ bus drivers, and truck drivers on both paved and unpaved roads.

Electricity Regulatory Index (ERI) for Africa, 2021

Submitted by on Thu, 05/05/2022 - 16:37

The African Development Bank produces an annual survey on the performance of electricity regulatory bodies in African countries. The survey culminates in the Electricity Regulatory Index which measures the level of development in the electricity sector regulatory frameworks in Africa against international standards and best practices. The report covered 43 African countries in 2021.

The Index consists of three sub-indices:

Well Maintained: Economic Benefits from More Reliable and Resilient Infrastructure 2021

Submitted by on Thu, 05/05/2022 - 16:36

The report describes the dangers associated with Infrastructure disruptions with its effects on household well-being, business growth, health and education. It further states that a weak infrastructure stock poses multi-dimensional effects on private businesses as well as households.

The Energy Progress Report 2021

Submitted by on Thu, 05/05/2022 - 16:35

The report indicates progress in Global electrification rate estimated at 90 percent. This rate however, is unlikely to achieve indicator 7.1 unless the pace of growth in electrification accelerates to 0.9 percent annually.

The report further notes that regional electrification rates show different trends with Latin America and the Caribbean, Eastern and south eastern Asia achieving 98 percent electrification. On the other hand, sub Saharan Africa achieved 46 percent in the same period where it accounts for three quarters of world population without access to electricity.

School Reopening in Uganda After The COVID-19 Lockdowns: Preparedness, Attrition, Challenges and Prospects for Recovery

Submitted by on Thu, 05/05/2022 - 16:34

This report explored the preparedness of private schools to reopen fully, the level of attrition among students and teachers, the challenges in keeping schools open in the future and the perceptions about the recovery pathways of the sector to the pre-pandemic period.

Read More: EPRC, April 2022 -

State of the World Population 2022

Submitted by on Thu, 05/05/2022 - 16:33

The Report presents “The case for action in the neglected crisis of unintended pregnancy.” According to the Report, unintended pregnancies have societal roots and global consequences. The Report raises important findings on how the negative consequences of unintended pregnancy would not have occurred if the women experiencing them had been empowered to make conscious and deliberate choices over their fertility and reproductive futures.

Strengthening Logistics Preparedness for Infectious Disease Response in Uganda

Submitted by on Thu, 05/05/2022 - 16:33

The outbreak of infectious diseases like Ebola virus disease (EVD), yellow fever, measles, or currently COVID-19, are regular occurrences in Uganda. If not detected early and effectively contained, these diseases threaten the health and economic well-being of the entire population, and beyond. Disease response is a top-priority for public health managers and Logistics Preparedness has been identified as one of its key success factors. This Report analyzes the current state of logistics preparedness for infectious diseases in Uganda.
