April 2022

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) position paper on the status of domestic resource mobilization in the East African Community

Submitted by on Mon, 04/25/2022 - 18:12

Over the years, there has been a growing recognition of domestically mobilized revenue as a sustainable source of financing for countries’ development priorities across the EAC. In a bid to fully meet their financing requirements, EAC countries have often resorted to external sources; including loans, grants and aid to finance development and social programs. That said, EAC member states can still do more to ensure that domestic resources are managed more innovatively for greater effectiveness.


Teenage Pregnancy in Uganda

Submitted by on Thu, 04/21/2022 - 14:57

The Teenage Pregnancy Report provides insights into the economic and social burden of teenage pregnancies in Uganda. The Report indicates that the teenage pregnancy rate is high and rising with more than 30,000 teenage girls getting pregnant each month in 2021 (over 1,000 daily).

Teenage pregnancies decrease household incomes and jeopardize the country’s strategy for achieving a demographic dividend. 

A complete version of the referenced Report can be accessed on the link below:

Accelerating Africa’s Trade – Trade Mark East Africa

Submitted by on Tue, 04/12/2022 - 12:19

For the last two financial years, global focus has been on COVID-19 and how to contain the spread of the rapidly mutating disease. Numerous natural, economic and intellectual resources have been spent to contain the spread and enable economic recovery.

This annual report focuses mainly on; Climate Change, Physical Infrastructure, Enhanced Trade Environment, and Improved Business Competitiveness. Specifically for Uganda, it analyses positions for economic growth despite COVID-19 challenges.


Submitted by on Mon, 04/11/2022 - 12:52
FY2021/22 Series

The MIND is a monthly publication. It contains Indicators updated on Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly frequencies. Consequently, it is prepared with a lag of one month, owing to the need to compile data that has been officially released following the end of the preceding month. The same principle applies to the Quarterly and Yearly data. 

MIND APRIL 2022 Update.JPG

Download the PDF Version below: