December 2019

Public Investment Outlook FY 2019/20


Over the NDP period, economic growth registered fragility. Episodes of economic downturn highlighted the economy’s vulnerability to natural and external shocks. This is highlighted by the sharp decline in economic growth from 9.4% growth in 2010/11 to 3.8% in FY 2011/12 with the continued slowdown in FY 2012/13. However the economy rebounded in the last two financial years registering 6.2% and 6.1% in FY 2017/18 and FY 2018/19[1] respectively.

Private Sector Development Program: Strengthening the Link between Jobs and Investment

Jobs and Incomes Strategy Update, 20201


Strengthening the private sector to drive economic growth is one of the five objectives of NDP III (2021-2025). The Private Sector Development Program of NDP III is expected to achieve the strengthening of the private sector through operationalizing several Government Strategies, notably the Industrialization Strategy based on agro-processing industries, the Small and Medium Enterprises Strategy, the Financial Sector Strategy, and the National Physical Development Plan.