UTB Seals Deal with UEGCL to Package and Market Karuma and Isimba Hydro Power Stations as Tourism Products

Submitted by on Thu, 02/03/2022 - 00:50

Uganda Tourism Board (UTB) and Uganda Electricity Generating Company Limited (UEGCL) signed a MOU to package and market the 600MW Karuma and the 183MW Isimba hydropower dams as superstructures/infrastructure tourism products. Isimba was commissioned in March 2019 while Karuma is expected to be commissioned in June 2022.

The three year MOU supports UTB’s efforts to diversify Destination Uganda’s tourism products beyond the dominant wildlife-based tourism. It also supports UEGCL’s drive to utilise its assets in diversifying its business portfolio and enhance its sustainability as a going concern.

As much as there’s a growing need for nature based tourism, hydro plants as tourist destinations has become a growing trend around the world, and hydro plant owners and operators are working to accommodate the general public’s desire to visit these fascinating facilities.

Read more: https://www.uegcl.com/uganda-tourism-board-seals-deal-with-uegcl-to-package-and-market-karuma-and-isimba-hydropower-stations-as-tourism-products/

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