Uganda National Bureau of Standards Signs MOU with USAID to Boost MSME Certification

Submitted by on Thu, 02/03/2022 - 00:52

The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector plays a crucial role in the economic growth of Uganda with its GDP contribution standing at over 70 percent and its employment and job creation rising to 90 percent. However, due to a number of challenges like; lack of information, standardisation and product certification, legal and institutional challenges, they continue to experience high mortality rate.

The MOU is expected to support standards awareness, conformity requirements, building capacity and certification of private labs to conduct product conformity tests and increase awareness campaigns on the need for the population to consume quality certified products. Product certification will be focused in areas of health, safety and food processing.

The new initiatives to support MSMEs include reduction in UNBS product certification fees, the introduction of batch certification and pre-market approval programs, provision of free standards for selected products to MSME groups or associations.

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