H.E the Present of Uganda assented to the following ACTs:

Submitted by on Tue, 11/08/2022 - 17:16

a)  Electricity (Amendment) Act 2022.

The amended Act removes inconsistencies in the law by introducing flexibility in its implementation and to streamline operations of the electricity sector. Particularly, the Bill proposes to remove the monopoly of the Uganda Electricity Transmission Company and Uganda Electricity Distribution Company as the single buyers and suppliers of generated electricity. The Act also grants power to the Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA) to classify licences and as well as increase funding ERA from 0.3% to 0.7% from the revenues generated from the sale of electricity. In addition, the creates and increases deterrent penalties for theft and vandalism of electrical equipment, e.g., electrical meters, works, and public lamps.

 b) Physical Planners' Registration Act, 2022.

The Physical Planners’ Registration Act, 2022 establishes a Physical Planners' Registration Board; gives powers and functions to the Board and to provides for the registration of physical planners in the country among other provisions. The Act addresses the absence of a legal framework through which physical planners are regulated. Thus, it intends to solve the challenges of unplanned physical development in urban and rural, violation of minimum physical planning standards and abuse of environmentally sensitive areas.

c) Mining and Minerals Act, 2022

The main objective of the Act is to implement the tenets of the Mining and Mineral Policy, 2018 by reforming and strengthening the legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks to cater for emerging issues. These include; mineral certification, value addition, mineral revenue management and the formalisation of artisanal and small scale miners among others.

The Mining and Minerals Act, 2022, therefore, seeks to address the inconsistencies in the subsector by organising, registering, licensing, regulating and transforming artisanal and small-scale mining in Uganda, and to align Uganda’s legislative framework with global standards.

d) The Computer Misuse (Amendment) Act, 2022

The advancements in technology have led to the adoption of numerous online and social media platforms as a means of communication and interaction. These benefits spread to the ease of doing business through e-commerce, education and social interactions. However, improper use of these technologies has also resulted in infringement on the rights and freedoms of others, especially, the right to privacy.

The amended Act seeks to enhance the provisions on unauthorised access to information or data; prohibits the sharing of any information relating to a child without authorisation from a parent or guardian; prohibits the sending or sharing of information that promotes hate speech; provides for the prohibition of sending or sharing false, malicious and unsolicited information; restricts persons convicted of any offence under the Computer Misuse Act, 2011 from holding public office for a period of ten years.

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