Submitted by on Wed, 07/06/2022 - 14:06

The 2021 Annual Transport Observatory report of the Northern Corridor Transit and Transport Coordination Authority highlights status of indicators that gauge performance of the Northern Corridor. The Corridor covers all East Africa partner states except Tanzania, spanning 13,185 km of road network.

The report notes that Mombasa Port is one of the top ten container ports in Africa with 2.65 million Twenty feet container equivalent (TEUs) annually, where Uganda accounts for 76.13% of transit traffic through the port of Mombasa. Most of this volume is transported on road, accounting for over 90% of traffic volume despite being expensive compared to railway and water transport.

The report further indicates that the northern corridor stretch in Uganda covers 2,076 km of roads, of which 54% is in good condition; 38% in fair condition and 8% in bad condition. The findings indicate that there have been improvements in transit time on the different routes along the corridor.

There are, however, several factors responsible for the longer transit times. These include conditions of the road network, multiple check points, times spent at each checkpoint and rests/meals among others.

The report therefore recommends targeted interventions to:

  1. Lower the cost of transporting cargo though harmonisation of freight tariffs across partner states;
  2. Improve the road network by heavily investing in infrastructure and improving the existing annual infrastructure deficit
  3. Development alternative transport means such as railway and waterways and;
  4. Fast-track the construction of roadside stations being implemented by the private sector and Local Governments in Uganda.


LG & KCCA NDP II Archives